They are far behind the times in this regard.Ībout two years ago a friend introduced me to Logos. They’ve tried to implement some support for Unicode in their notes and in exporting text, but I still have not been able to get it to work in the notes.
Non-Unicode: For some strange reason BibleWorks doesn’t use Unicode yet. I love having hundreds of commentaries as electronic resources. They’ve stepped it up recently, but are still far from being in the same league as Logos. Limited Number of Resources: BibleWorks has a lot of great resources, but they are very limited in what they offer in terms of types and number of resources. You cannot mark them up or take notes in them. Quality/Format of Resources: The format for BibleWorks resources is poor. (Two qualifications: this assumes you don’t want to spend much more than $350 and that you don’t qualify for Logos’s Academic Discount Program, which gives you 40% off boxed sets and very good savings on almost everything else.) This doesn’t necessarily make it the best choice. In my opinion, it’s hard to beat the value in terms of sheer number and quality of exegetical tools compared to the price. Value: You get a ton of great exegetical tools for a decent amount of money. I mention it only as an interesting observation.) Interestingly, Logos starts in about 15 seconds (opening to a blank workspace). BibleWorks now takes about 20 seconds to start on my computer. (Although, the startup time in version 7 has slowed significantly. In my opinion, it can’t be touched in terms of speed of access to lots of exegetical data. It does searches of the biblical texts in milliseconds and gives you instant information from lexicons and grammars. Speed: BibleWorks has an incredibly fast response time. It’s a great program that I plan to continue to own, upgrade, and use indefinitely. I’ve been using BibleWorks since version 4. I offer this not as a polished review, but as some off-the-cuff thoughts from one who uses and recommends both.
This is by no means exhaustive, probably oversimplifies some of the issues, and certainly expresses my opinions and preferences, but it may be of help to some.
Bibleworks 7 activation code software#
I’m reproducing it here (with some very minor changes) in case there are others who are trying to decide what Bible software to buy and use. I posted this at the Forum in response to a discussion there. Someone recently asked me for my opinion about Logos vs.